I love www.vistaprints.com !!! They are constantly sending me emails for sales and freebies. Thanks to all of these sales, I've been able to pull my marketing material together for almost nothing. (nothing being an image upload charge and s&h.)
The picture above shows the following products :notecards to send to clients to thank them for booking me or thank them for their order, brochures for boutique proposals, large postcards for info packets, small postcards for mailing, and handing out, business cards (in glossy!) stamps to stamp my website and one for gallery address and passwords, and rack cards w/pricing.
I don't know how they make any money. I'm sure they take a cut from the S&H and the 4.99 upload charge. Plus there are those times I just have to have something whether or not it is on sale.
I recommend using the 7 day shipping option. It usually arrives in only a handful of days and is only a few dollars more. Also instead of uploading a text backside for postcards (and paying an extra 4.99), consider using their tools to type the info in. Oh and get glossy on those premium business cards. I forgot to do so with my last batch and can tell the difference bigtime.